Jun 03, 2009 03:00
this day in tweets...
- 10:36 I'm always hungry now. There's nothing I can do about it. #
- 10:37 EXCEPT DANCE #
- 11:02 I am still alive, in love, and wide-eyed in my time. Not a mummy shrinking in its cloths... #
- 11:35 @ sampagan they need to stop fucking with my childhood. #
- 12:19 I'm guessing I've lost at least 5-10 lbs on the "I'm too poor to eat" diet this past month. I know because my pants tell me so. #
- 13:14 Oh shit! WHY? Has a new album coming out called Eskimo Snow!!! Alopecia defined 2008, will this define 2009-2010? bit.ly/4HFQC #
- 13:18 Actually this is a better story. I love you anticon... bit.ly/8CBnj #
- 13:21 I've been singing WHY? all day/week and this just made me want to sing more. Fuck yeah... I'm way excited about life right now. #
- 13:31 @ Peperino I know I know I know!!! Yoni Wolf = My Hero!!! It's going to be great. #
- 14:07 Connecting to family on facebook makes me glad I stopped being mormon. #
- 14:21 twitpic.com/6hmkh - Stay frosty. #
- 14:39 @ RobertSchofield I knew you would understand... fellow Ex-Mormon. :D #
- 23:13 Bowser is a Ginger. #
- 00:32 Okay Cecil... I don't remember you being such a pussy when I left you on FF4. Old age makes you lose hitpoints. #
- 00:46 aww @dandroid is my hero for bringing me tacos! :D #
- 00:52 uhhh mc nugget martini?? bit.ly/14OCTr #
- 01:26 I love the internet for letting me watch tv on it. Also- us SoCalifornians need to go see Conan live. #
- 01:40 watching the first late night with Conan... is Andy Conan's black guy? #
- 02:00 hahaha Conan's car is almost like mine. #
- 02:26 and then she said, it's time for bed. #
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