Yesterday is unforgettable. I never thought of actually walking/swimming in flood. LOL. Really, that was the first time I did it.
It's not that I disgust floods, no. It's just that my parents never let me do such thing..
When I was a kid, my dad will not hesitate to carry me until we found a higher ground or a safe place to walk. But now, I have to do all these things and deal with them :)))
This is sooo my friend's fault. He pushed me and there... LOL I just keep on blaming him and throwing words like "how could you do this to me, my family protected me all my life..., and such" HAHAHA But I really had fun. Only if there's no fld work report (supposed to be passed today), I could laugh my ass out there without holding back. :)))))))) Luckily, today's classes are suspended so no reports and no quizzes.
On the other side, some of my fellow countrymen are facing really great challenges right now. Let us all pray for the nation's safety. May God bless us all.
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