Still today is fun not until I received a text from my friend that I need to send her money again. Psssh.
Anyway, I'll be talking about the fun thing about this day. :)
I'll start to love Wednesdays from now on! ^^ Well I only have a 90 minute subject for this day. 12:00~1:30
and because that's a dead hour. my travel on my way to school is faster. less traffic.
Today I packed early because I have to meet someone for his payment on 3 Vocaloid CD's he ordered from me. (U might want to browse some anime/cosplay stuffs click
And so I bought another Death Note, this time it's Misa's XD And now I have no money again. >____<
The domo-kun wallet is very tempting. But I am proud of myself! I DID NOT BUY IT XD
Next thing is.. the saleslady/man there are really funny. Last time it was the girl now it's the guy.. I was actually staring at Shana's necklace (forgot the name it's A something XD) then he said if I buy it I will be transported to another world. I will be powerful and such.... but I won't enjoy it much because I will have to dwell with many enemies and so I should prefer to be human. Like, Hello?! I do look like a kid but I am not. And by saying that I should appreciate humanity more than I appreciate anime .. is it just the same as "You don't have to buy this one"
LOL. Anyway. I was just looking at it and I have no plan on buying it. >:)))))
Still I decided to look at Comic Alley everytime to see and compare prices for my online shop. :)
Finally I met my new prof in trigo. He's fun. He got the brains. And I am touched in his words. I hope I will learn a lot from him. :)
I forced my friend to eat even if she doesn't want to. I'm so evil desho? Sorry friend! XD
After finishing my business. I called my other friend. Then I went to the LRT station.
I don't know but when I entered the train I feel really happy. (Billy Chaka TokyoSuckerPunch and I are completely opposite)
Because I arrange another meetup to buy HSJ Summary 2010 addon con good I have to transfer to MRT. to kill the time, I continued reading Tokyo Suckerpunch. I felt really good when I read a book while traveling. I don't know. I think it's more productive that texting all the way.
Finally. I went to Trinoma and meet Ate Gema's brother to get the Changing Uchiwa. :DD THANKS A BUNCH TO ATE GEMA AND KUYA GERARD FOR THE UCHIWA! WAAAAAAAA :3
Then when I rode a trike back to my mom's office compound, I realized how fun this day was so I decided to put this on my journal. :))))
I've done doing the essay in Math10 hope I get extra 10 points! ^^ Kore kara mo issho ni gamabatte ne~
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