Gordian Marketing Knot

Sep 19, 2006 15:08

Svedka vodka is now using a likeness of Chris Cunningham's "All is Full of Love" android as a spokesbot under the tagline "The Future of Adult Entertainment."

The lines are not as elegant. They've stripped some of the white panels away from the abdomen and shoulders. From the front, the white pelvic plates are suggestive of a bikini, and the breasts are larger. Most disturbing, the feet are shaped into white high heels. Basically, they took his beautiful android and tarted her all up.

Svedka has also coupled with Nerve.com to produce some erotic stories in support of their brand theme, but I'd prefer not to access them at work and don't have internet access at home. One of them is written by Douglas Rushkoff, Mr. Viral Marketing himself, so there's something afoot here. The titles and descriptions of the stories overtly talk about a "fun and exciting" future world, but they also suggest seriously dystopic themes.

The whole thing is a conceptual mess. Certain elements refer to feminist themes while others (literally) objectify women. Parts of it overtly glorify but covertly criticize celebrity worship culture. Then there are the typical cocktail recipes and pictures from celebrity parties.

They might be trying to send different messages to different people, but I think their viewers will either be confused or disgusted, depending on their level of savvy. In any case, it's a lot of wanking to sell a vodka.

Also, why you gotta play Chris Cunningham like that?
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