Jun 07, 2019 09:00
This journal is entirely f-locked. This is the comment-to-be-added post.
In general, I'm kinda liberal when it comes to friending. If you decide to friend me first, there's a good chance I'll friend you back. The few reasons I don't friend people are:
1) I think that you will be greatly offended by something I regularly talk/rant about. For example, say I used to be a member of Community X. Then one fateful day, there was a big wankstorm there and I left in a huff. Every once in awhile, I make an anecdote to the wank, or I rant about one of the wanktastic behaviors I saw there. You, however, still go to Community X and would defend it to your last breath. If you plan on bitching me out every time I bring it up and/or ratting out my entries to the rest of the community - don't count on getting friended.
2) I know you from somewhere else and don't like you.
3) You're a troll.
4) You're a COMPLETE stranger. As in, I've never seen you before on LJ, ever. I'd have to do a bit of background checking before I'd add you, if I do at all. This is a measure to keep out the serial adders.
I rarely de-friend, so don't worry about having to post on a regular basis or comment on every single one of my entries. The only times I friends cut is:
1) You de-friended me first.
2) You deleted your journal.
3) I find out that you're ratting out my posts to other people. Or you turned into a troll.
And that's it. Post away.