Dec 31, 2006 05:57
I kind of forgot how nice it was to actually write in my lj. With the world of MySpace and Facebook where everyone is able to read anything you say and use it against you, it's kind of nice to return to a safe haven where only those I truly trust can see into my inner-workings.
Of course, I've had the unfortunate experience of having this journal attacked before as well-but nobody ever really uses it (except Brandon who updates like every two minutes.) anymore.
I suppose I'm happy now. At least I should be and would have myself convinced that before it really was alot worse. But it seems that there are things that I don't like in my life right now. Annoyances maybe?
Like, the fact that I finally have someone to be in a relationship with, but I don't know where we stand in it. Is he my boyfriend? Are we just dating? Am I just some placeholder for him until someone better comes along? That's what I feel like. I haven't seen or spoken to him in a week. That's not right, is it? In his defense, he is really busy getting ready for grad school and stuff; but he never emails or calls. What am I supposed to think? What am I supposed to do?
I'm afraid there's someone else-or at least that's what he wants. I don't really know, we haven't talked in a week.
And then, I find out he's going to Canada (which he didn't tell me about) and I write an email asking him what it's all about and he replies in what I would assume a natural placid manner. But I go onto my facebook and find out that he doesn't consider himself in a relationship anymore. Did he say anything to me?
It scares me.