(no subject)

Aug 14, 2005 12:27

I know I owe y'all a real update, but this is just too good not to post. Plus, I know there are a ton of you Buffy fans on my friends list who haven't even heard of Veronica Mars, which is a travesty. The DVDs of season 1 don't come out until October 11th, but if you get any chance to see an episode, I strongly recommend checking it out. Best non-Joss show ever.

Joss Luvs Veronica.

This is my attempt at posting my own thread. My peeps and I just finished a crazed Veronica Marsathon, and I can no longer restrain myself. Best. Show. Ever. Seriously, I've never gotten more wrapped up in a show I wasn't making, and maybe even more than those. Crazy crisp dialogue. Incredibly tight plotting. Big emotion, I mean BIG, and charsimatic actors and I was just DYING from the mystery and the relationships and PAIN, this show knows from pain and no, I don't care, laugh all you want, I had to share this. These guys know what they're doing on a level that intimidates me. It's the Harry Potter of shows. There. I said it. People should do whatever they can to check out this first season so the second won't be a spoiler fest. I'm nutty.

I'm a little calmer now. Oh God, no I'm not! Wait. Wait. Okay. Some of you may already be all up on this, and some may disagree, but I'm urging peeps to check it out, 'cause there is great TV afoot, and who doesn't want that? Thank you for your time.

Still not calm! Wait... wait...

-- Joss Whedon. August 11, 06:54 CET

[from WHEDONesque, here]
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