Title: First Realization
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Power Rangers: Ninja Storm
Pairing/Characters: Cam/Hunter
Summary: When Cam doesn’t sleep, he thinks.
Disclaimer: PR: NS © BVS Entertainment, Inc. and BVS International N.V. No copyright infringement intended.
Warnings: none
Notes: Written for
smallfandomflsh's challenge #62: naked. Kind of AU-ish.
Word count: 256
Cam traced the tattoo on Hunter’s bare hip, keeping his touch light so as to not wake the other man. Hunter was naked from the waist up, the thin white sheet covering just his lower half. From the moment they hit the bed, Hunter had been out it. Sensei was training them harder than ever before and between working at Storm Chargers and school and ninja training, the crimson ranger had run himself ragged.
It didn’t leave them much time for other things. Not that Cam thought they were together just for the sex - although the sex part itself was phenomenal - but the only time they seemed to be together nowadays was when they were training or had Power Ranger business to attend to, neither situations which lent them opportunities to be intimate.
It was somehow comforting for Cam to watch Hunter sleep deeply now. He slept with his mouth partially open, cheek smushed into the pillow, arm hanging over the edge.
It was at this moment that Cam was shocked to realize he loved this man. Maybe they got together by accident at first, but now it was intentional.
And he had no idea how Hunter felt, if Hunter was just in it for the sex because Cam was a convenient body - because Cam was a Power Ranger like Hunter - or if Hunter felt something more. They hadn’t said they loved each other, but it must’ve been heading toward that - at least for Cam.
He didn’t know if he had the courage to find out.