What I'm trying to prevent from happening

Aug 28, 2013 01:58

Originally posted by szarabasjka at What I'm trying to prevent from happening
Originally posted by angels_trap at What I'm trying to prevent from happening
Some information you might want to know to realise that people like "Sockboy" actually exist and that they really are dangerous:

Thanfiction (Andrew Blake) is a Harry Potter fanwriter and fanartist. His most well-known fanfic is Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness, which had 664 reviews on Fanfiction.net as of July 6, 2010. The story was so popular that it became the foundation of an entire shared universe, the DAYDverse, with its own LiveJournal community.
In December 2009 he was identified as the same person as the notorious Victoria Bitter.

Victoria Bitter was a notorious sockpuppet. (The fan identifies as male, though the VB sockpuppet was a female identity) She initially contributed to The Lord of the Rings RPF fandom with well-received fic, but then with her partner OrangeBlossom created numerous sockpuppets. She claimed to be channeling Elijah Wood's spirit, and that JRR Tolkien's writing was based on historical fact, and that she was receiving Meriadoc Brandybuck's memories in a dream.
She and OrangeBlossom defrauded the BitofEarth.net convention and their attendees by taking money for products and services they never meant to deliver, ruining the con in the process.

Victoria Bitter later faked her own suicide repeatedly.
In December 2009 the HP fanfic writer and fanartist Andrew Blake (LJ/DA username thanfiction) was identified as VB.
He tried to raise donations, supposedly for a convention in DC.

Source: http://fanlore.org/wiki/Main_Page

More horrifying information (identity fraud, operating a fraudulent charity, death of a person in a shooting and much more) HERE.
Story even in book HERE.

Don't become one of the victims. Don't think of "Sockboy" as an innocent player.
EDIT: It was comfirmed by somebody who has personal experience with Andy/Victoria (Amy/Jordan/etc.) that he/she is (unfortunately) operating in the Supernatural fandom right now.

EDIT 2: This kind of disturbing befavior is far from new, see for yourself at fake-lj-deaths or fake-ljers,
you can also look into MsScribe.

MsScribe developed a series of sockpuppets and Munchausen-y scenarios, including: fangirls, mean haters, life-threatening injury-complications requiring hospitalization and quasi-permanent disability, having her computer hacked, being stalked (sometimes by fundamentalist Christians), having a friend die, racist attacks, being the target of internet conspiracies, and generally becoming the most oppressed and harassed fan in the world.
More detailed history HERE.

Antranette Nolan and Chelsea Hassinger - a person pretending to have a child sick with leukemia (or other types of cancer) and trying to scam charities.

Münchausen by Internet - a pattern of behavior in which Internet users seek attention by feigning illnesses in online venues such as chat rooms, message boards, and Internet Relay Chat (IRC).
When fabrications are suspected or confirmed, the ensuing discussion can create schisms in online communities, destroying some and altering the trusting nature of individual members in others.
People who demonstrate factitious disorders often claim to have physical ailments or be recovering from the consequences of stalking, victimization, harassment, and sexual abuse.

Common behavior patterns in people who exhibited Münchausen by Internet:
  • Medical literature from websites or textbooks is often duplicated or discussed in great detail.
  • The length and severity of purported physical ailments conflicts with their behavior (micamonroe miraculously waking out of coma which "doctors" doubted would ever happen, being able to use only one finger and yet managing to co-write several fics, or his "boyfriend" posting at all - imagine your beloved is in critical condition, would hacking into their account to tell about it to strangers be the first thing you would do?).
  • Symptoms of ailments may be exaggerated as they correspond to a their misunderstanding of the nature of an illness.
  • Grave situations and increasingly critical prognoses are interspersed with "miraculous" recoveries.
  • Their posts eventually reveal contradictory information or claims that are implausible: for example, other users of a forum may find that a the user has been divulging contradictory information about occurrence or length of hospital visits.
  • When attention and sympathy decreases to focus on other members of the group, they may announce that other dire events have transpired, including the illness or death of a close family member (micamonroe finding out that the bashing was the work of his parents and their friends, both parents "dying in prison" later).
  • When faced with insufficient expressions of attention or sympathy, a forum member claims this as a cause that symptoms worsen or do not improve (the "poor struggling byfriend").
  • They resist contact beyond the Internet, by telephone or personal visit, often claiming bizarre reasons for not being able to accept such contact (several unaswered attempts at contact after revealing information about all the lies).
  • Further emergencies are described with inappropriate happiness, designed to garner immediate reactions.
  • Other forum members post on behalf of a user, exhibiting identical writing styles, spelling errors, and language idiosyncrasies, suggesting that the user has created fictitious identities to move the conversation in their direction.
Source: HERE

again with the chills...

type: rl, wtf is wrong with the world

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