Sep 02, 2008 00:32
That is not to say that her daughter and her daughter's baby daddy's picture should be all over the internet - they shouldn't. The press and everyone else should leave them alone. The probably won't. Oh well... kinda sucks to be them. They should ask Palin a few things though. Like;
1- did you know that your daughter was sexually active?
2- had she had (the daughter) had access to any information about sex? (other than "don't")
3- does she feel that abstinence only education works?
4- what is her (Palin's) position on contraception?
5- should she (the daughter) have had access to contraception through school/otherwise?
Also - Lot's of presidents have been light in the experience area... Clinton most recently and obviously. The thing is that a president is assuming power during a time of relative calm generally. Sure there's always stuff that's happening, we're currently at war and all that, but a regular transfer of power is expected. A veep never ascends to the presidency "regularly" - it's always an emergency, always in the midst of a national trauma. Is palin someone who knows enough to be able to step in during a national emergency and pull shit together? I really don't think so.