CRTC (the administrative body that oversees television, media and internet usage in Canada) has implemented a new plan to cap internet bandwidth usage in Canada by changing internet billing to charge us by DATA USAGE. That is, we will pay by the KB. It will mean bandwidth caps will drop to, in some cases, under 25GB a month and you will be charged a $2 fee for every gig you go over. Awe-inspiringly ridiculous? I'd say so. Do we have a right to be pissed off? Yeah sure you betcha. A full description of the situation and the long reaching effects it could have on you, Canadian companies and Canada's role in the future of digital media can be found
here and
here. Sign the above petition, tell your friends, family, or local government official. Take out a billboard, run through the streets, whatever. But don't be complacent, Canada.
To all the non-Canadians on my list, sorry for the interruption. :)