Sim's Asylum

Dec 05, 2014 00:10

Hi, everyone! I'm very proud to be back with my first ever Asylum Challenge!

This one is Splintered-themed.

Now, what is an Asylum Challenge?

From Mod The Sims' Scout:


You have been committed to a run down mental health facility against your will. In order to prove that you are fit to rejoin society and earn your freedom, you must achieve the goal your psychiatrist has set for you - your lifetime want.

The catch? You need to achieve your goal as quickly as possible, while keeping 7 other patients, who you don't know and are out of your control, alive and as happy as possible. Add to that budget cutbacks leading to a lack of decent furniture and limited supplies, and your task gets harder.

Also, if you'd like to see more and read through the rules:

[Glossary of Simming Terms (please read)]

Maxis/EA- The makers of the game. Maxis is a subsidiary of EA/Electronic Arts. The difference is that Maxis is EA, but EA isn't Maxis. Maxis is the company that made SimCity and Sims 1. EA bought it, and Sims 2 was made with some EA intervention. The Sims 3/4 are mostly EA.
EP/Expansion Pack(s)- The original Sims 2 has very little to offer, I'll be honest. With a couple EPs, it's a lot more fun. I have almost all the EPs. There are also SPs, or Stuff Packs, but those give you, well, stuff, which can usually be downloaded anyway. I'd rather download someone's clothing online for free than pay for it. Mainly because I don't care so much about clothes.

Autonomous- Done automatically, while on the setting Free Will On. If Free Will is off, Sims do nothing without direction. Turning this on will make them do as they please.

Motives- Best explained by the categories.
  • Hunger- Sims need to eat, too.
  • Bladder- If the Sim hasn't used the toilet in a while, expect a pee puddle.
  • Comfort- The need to sit down or take a bubble bath once in a while.
  • Energy- Different from Comfort. This can be fulfilled by sleeping on a wooden board if you wanted to. Or by drinking coffee. Comfort requires to be comfortable, but doesn't need you to be awake and alert and whatever
  • Fun- Things like watching TV and reading good books fills this one.
  • Social- Talking is fun. It has to be an interaction with a Sim, either IRL, on the computer, or by the telephone.
  • Hygiene- Taking baths, showers, just washing hands fulfills this.
  • Environment- the decor and feel of a room. This can get low if there aren't enough plants, windows, or general knickknacks. It also gets low if the room is dirty in some way, ex. if it has puddles on the floor.
  • Body Heat- Okay, this technically isn't a motive, but it's a general issue. If you have the EP Seasons, in which the weather/temperature changes, Sims can get too hot or too cold. If they are too hot, they turn red and get sunburn. Similarly, they turn blue if out in the cold for too long. There are ways to beat the heat/cold, but I prefer just having air conditioners/heaters, as they are easy and autonomous.

NPCs- Non Playable Characters. These are characters that are made by Maxis/EA. They are different from Townies (below). These characters CANNOT BE PLAYED. Townies can be selected and then played as usual through cheats, but NPCs, if selected, lack Wants, Fears, Aspirations, and memories. These Sims will often glitch the game if used to get married, have children, or if killed. Usually, children do nothing, but if you kill them, another version must be spawned.
Townies- Like NPCs, but can be selected, controlled, and played through completely normally once you get them selected. Basically, characters with memories, Aspirations, and motives just like regular Sims, but made by EA/Maxis.

Skill Points- Okay, even I don't know all the skill points by heart. They're just things that get you ahead in life, like Cooking, Creativity, Mechanical, Charisma, Body, Logic, Cleaning... Maybe I do know them all by heart. Anyway, you can earn them pretty
easily. For example, making food; watching TV (only the cooking channel); or reading Cooking books will give Sims Cooking skill points. The skill points basically make you do certain things better (Sims with Cooking points can cook more meals and are less likely to set themselves on fire, Sims with a high amount of Mechanical points fix things faster) and get you promoted in certain jobs. There can be a maximum of ten points earned for each category.

Aspiration- Each Sim has an aspiration, regardless of EP. This can be:
  • Family- Um... Fairly self explanatory. They want to have a family. Happiest with children and spouses.
  • Knowledge- They want to learn a lot and read or study the stars. Usually tend to be happy when earning skill points.
  • Fortune- Aspire to be rich. Happy with money and a good career.
  • Romance- Want to find love, as much as possible. Happiest when... This is a PG post.
  • Popularity- Want friends. They basically just want to have good relationships with as many people as possible.
  • Pleasure- They want what they want at the moment. Which usually means fun. And hell if you're trying to play as them.

Aspiration Points/Levels- Sims earn Aspiration points by completing Wants. These Wants usually correspond to their Aspiration, and the best way to keep them happy is to complete at least one Want a day. However, Sims also have Fears- these change less often, but still affect them. When Wants are fulfilled, Sims receive Aspiration points, and when Fears are fulfilled, Aspiration points are removed. There seem to be four levels of Aspiration points, as shown in the Aspiration bar-
  • Platinum- happy. Sims in this state never lose motives.
  • Gold- moderately happy.
  • Green- normal.
  • Red- bad. Sims in this state have a tendency to break down in tears randomly and generally be more cranky. If the Aspiration level gets too low and too near the bottom, a Therapist NPC will appear and 'treat' the Sim until their Aspiration is back to mid-red.
  • LTW/Life Time Want. Every Sim has something that will enable them to have the Platinum stage for the rest of their lives. This depends on their Aspiration and usually takes a long time to accomplish.

[The House]
This is where I explain to you the inner workings and hidden nooks and crannies of-




This is the house and its furnishing... And I remembered a roof! Of course, we used to not need roofs, but then... Seasons EP came along, and now you either get snowed in or heatstroke if there's no roof. Trust me. It sucks.

Anyway, grand tour! The top left is obviously a bedroom, complete with, yes, four beds. Five places to sleep for eight Sims. This is one of the rules, and I assure you, I have no issues with it. So far. Give me five seconds and I'll be cursing out this entire blog because I'll probably have Sims face-plating (like face palming, but falling asleep in their food... so not like face palming) and literally collapsing on the floor.

Top middle (teensy little room with one bookcase) is the bookcase. That's it. Now, you may be wondering just why you need a room separated for a mere bookcase, but if a Sim takes out a diary and writes in it, you'd better beware. The second another Sim walks into the room, the mini-writer will, horrified, clasp the diary to their chest and stay in that exact position until the second Sim leaves. You can imagine the consequences of being in one position for an entire day. Probably death.

Top right is the kitchen/dining room thingy. The stove is separate because Sims without a high level of Cooking skills will... Um... Set the house on fire. No, that is not an exaggeration. People have failed the challenge because Sims used the stove without Cooking skill. However, fires tend to be contained to the room they began in, so if a fire does start... Well, only one casualty. Oh, and there's an espresso machine for tired Sims who can't sleep!

Bottom left- Bathroom. Now, this one I'm glad I got the tip for. Think about it- Sims are definitely not going on the toilet with anybody in the same room. But what if another Sim needs to shower? And what if someone else just needs to wash a dish? Well, they can't all be in the same room at the same time, so I separated the rooms. Also, there are four tiles to prevent issues with Sims all standing in the same part of the bathroom so nobody can leave. Oh, and an easel. Sims need Creativity!

General other things- we have a... um... Spinny McSpinner thingy that I never learned the name of. It's wildly addictive, meaning that Sims autonomously get on... and never get off. Unless they're thrown off. You'll see.

Lovely little chess table, complete with pieces (that are not visible until someone starts playing). Telephone to call the firemen when... If someone starts a fire. If. TV for extra skilling and workouts, complete with a couch that Sims can nap on if all the beds are taken. That makes six places to sleep, and one more if you count the espresso machine... So as long as all eight Sims don't have to sleep at the same time, we're good.

And that concludes our tour! Feel free to check the rules above, but I'm pretty sure I followed all of them... Oh, and the lack of wallpaper is money saving, while the floor needs to be covered so weeds don't grow.

Trust me.

I've had bad experiences.

Alright, let's continue!

[The Patients]
So, just to recap, the patients are not playable. I will not select them, I will not control them, I will not even Influence them. (basically, zero control.)

The only one I can control is Nessy, my lovely winner of the die roll. A.G. is not included, mainly because I don't want to embarass real life people ^u^'

Also, I dressed them in monochrome colors because... I don't know. I was thinking for a while of putting all the cool black and white stuff in my Sim's closets to good use.

Here we have Alyssa. All the Sims have the last name Asylum.
Following the rules, I rolled dice for the personalities and Aspirations.
Alyssa is a Scorpio.
Pros- She'll be neat, so no dirty dishes everywhere and no unmade beds. She's not shy, so she'll be more likely to talk to people and have fun.
Cons- Oh, god, she's serious and grouchy. A recipe for disaster. If someone tries to flirt with her or play with her, she'll most likely push them off. And she's probably going to start some fights, because it's not like she's shy.
She's a Knowledge Sim, which is sad because she's probably not going to skill autonomously. Sims generally don't do things for skills unless directed or if those things bring Fun levels up, like painting or playing chess.

Jebediah! A Sagittarius, which means... Mess. Lots of mess.
But he's playful, so he'll be able to joke around and have fun with other Sims.
And... oh dear. A family Sim. I mean, that's lovely, but he won't have much luck proposing or having children in an asylum, will he? (Those actions are not autonomous, for obvious reasons.)

The Mothman Moth King His Royal Mothiness Morpheus is a Fortune Sim. Who will not have a job. I feel terrible already.
But he's nice and playful, which gives us some room for friends and Alyssa! He's also neat, so let's use that to our advantage. OFF TO WASH THE DISHES YOU GO, MORPH.

Has anyone ever noticed that Jenara is loved by everyone? Yeah, some people may dislike Jeb, some people may dislike Morpheus, but nobody- and I mean nobody- dislikes Jenara. And now she's Neat, Playful, and Nice. Too much of a good thing? I don't think so. However, she, like Jeb, rolled Family. I am so sorry, Jenara.

Taelor here, like Jeb, is not the neatest Sim around, but *somewhat in shock* she's Nice! So that takes away my worries of her trying to murder someone. I mean, get in a fight. And it's a good thing she's nice, because her Aspiration is Popularity... This is suddenly freakishly accurate. So she'll be able to make friends easily. She has seven sitting ducks in her house already, right?

Um... Yeah. Hey. It's me. I'm fairly neat wow this is inaccurate already so I won't be the cause of any dirty plates, Outgoing o nvm this is me, and maaaaaaybe just a bit lacking in the Playful/Nice department. Well, that last is partly from real life, I suppose >3>

I'm also a Family Sim.

Someone shoot me.

Rough luck, Nessy. You rolled Romance *sucks in breath*

This might get difficult if I have to hook you up with 100 Sims. Yes, there's a chance that will be her LTW. I'm praying for better, but I don't have great luck.

But look! Another Neat Simmie >3>

I am so proud of myself for accidentally rolling personalities that are almost all Neat. So only Taelor and Jeb will be 'messy', but that can easily be taken care of six Sims that love to make beds and clean toilets. I'm not kidding.

She's Active, which means almost nothing here, and she's Nice, which is a good thing, but also bad, because if someone does something mean to a Nice Sim, their reaction will be crying. They will cry literally for days on end.

So adorable and sad.

Anyway, those of you who have been counting for some reason know that this is only seven Sims. I needed an eighth. I actually asked my friend, who was fine with me using her SelfSim, but... As I said earlier, no embarrassing people. Or, at least, no embarassing real people that aren't me.

Which completely explains why I brought in my OC.

It was a good idea, trust me. Now we have three groups of people- the Splintered cast (almost all of them), the Fangirls (me and Nessy), and an Innocent Bystander who really isn't innocent but never mind all that. With no further ado, I bring you...

...Shaun Egor.

He's technically a character from my book/story/don't know what to call it, so I'll just paste in his description from there because that took a lot of my energy and I don't think I can do it again.

With his inherited almond eyes and tanned skin, Shaun Egor was easily identifiable as one of the outcasts of society, a misfit in all rights. This enabled him to tell ridiculous jokes and stand up for the LGBT community with no fear of embarrassment- why, all his shame was long gone. Who could have shame with an emo haircut?

So. Yeah. He's also pansexual, but since the default Sim sexuality is hetero, I doubt he'll be making out with Morpheus. *sad face*

when the whole squad lookin fresh

I feel like there might be cheating involved here.

When a Sim is made, they have an allotment of 20K to spend on a house.

However, if you have a larger family, they get more money. And if you move in first one family, then combine another, the second family loses no money.

The Splintered group (Al, Jeb, Morph, Jen, Tae, dH) had an allotment of 45K.

Nessy got 20K (as usual).

Shaun also got 20K.

Well, the first day will come soon. See you all then!
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