So I've started re-reading Splintered for the second time in less than a month but whos counting because its awesome
And my sister just finished reading. So it's nice to re-read and look at all her arguments for/against all the characters by scene. Also, octobenus = pure awesome. Sorry. He just is. I love how original her take on him is, not to mention all the little references to the original Carrollian is that even a word im making it a word walrus and carpenter. Good god, how I love that character.
Okay, okay, I'm sorry for the rant and the octobenus <3.
I have to say, Jeb is best portrayed here, because it's shown he does care for Alyssa and I'm sorry I wrote that XD
Morpheus hasn't come into the story, so I'm just on the edge of my mushroom seat for that~
Ah, but A.G. knows how to introduce characters~
I don't believe it's too late to join the awesome read-along and giveaway, so use the form here: And read the opening post here: And follow
#SplinteredReadALong WHAT UP