long time no update

Jul 28, 2004 20:42

hey everyone srry i haven't updated lately, well m 14! and i have a cell phone ^_^ yay fer me. anyway m bored so time for some shout outs!

Brandee: you are the coolest person i have ever met, you're outragously insane O_o lol and have the best personality EVER that's what makes you such a great friend. luv ya babe

Boris- ok sometimes you totally annoy...lets make that all the time, but sometimes you surprise me, rarely...anyway i think you should leave jill alone and move on with your life, you guyz should still be friends, but stop saying you "love" her it just causes to many problems,

Arya- man o man what to say about YOU you are INSANE well almost as much as i am random as hell and well totally in love with Jill, perfect combo lol, i hope you guyz have some great times together!

Lauren- omg girl sometimes you scare me, let me say that right off the bat, you're random and funny and have  carefree attitude about you that makes worrying seem so stupid (which it is) friends for ever girl.

Danielle- i have known you since...umm like 1st grade! and i must say you're a hoooooooooowl lol (srry guyz inside joke) never stop writing and always express your creativty that's what makes you so awsome! luv ya!

Jill- **ahem** YO HO YO HO A PIRATE'S LIFE FER ME! *cough cough* srry mate i had to i really did, yeah i know i scare you sometimes but hey you do to, that's what makes our friendship so...well....random...ur always there when i need you and your sooooo much fun to be around, seems like life's always changing with you, but that's what makes the ride so much more intersting, i luv ya jillian, bff's fer life!
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