(no subject)

Jul 08, 2009 18:35

Happy 7-8-9, y'all.

I'm going to pretend I'm not disgruntled as I type this.  This too will pass.

Work is going to start kicking my ass again -- I'm just now catching up on all my stuff, and one of the A/R reps gave her two weeks on Monday, which means not only are we going to have to cover her clients until we get someone new, it means I'm going to have to do more training.  I just hate training because I never feel prepared, but I've been told I'm not too terrible at it.  Especially considering our office is kind of a sink-or-swim training environment.  Most of ambulance billing is (to me) common sense, once you learn the basic rules.  I guess upper mgmt. is looking for someone with experience, though, so hopefully training will consist of teaching them the system and the basic things that make ambulance billing unique (which isn't much).

I came home yesterday to a clean room, vaccuumed floor, and a smiling man.  It was so awesome.  The room has already deteriorated slightly, but that's just because I have a eff-ton of laundry to do.  I planned to do it tonight, but I'm still unwinding from the occurance that has made me disgruntled so I think I'm going to plead laziness.  Besides, I don't have any change.  I can get that tomorrow.

Gab's doing great in piano lessons so far.  I think having something new to focus on plus starting school in a few months will keep her busy.  I can't believe she's already starting school!   She still seems too little to me, but I guess that's how I'll always feel about her big steps in life.  I'm sure I'll be blubbering when he finishes high school, thinking she'll be too little to go off to college or face the real world in general.  Oi.
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