Yesterday's brilliant ideas.

Feb 01, 2015 09:07

1) Going down to the beach to eat a sandwich when too early for work training at ballroom.
Pro: Get to see huge dark waves come crashing in, highlighted by an angled beam of sunlight coming through the cloud. Beautiful!
Con: it was freaking windy cold January and I have the starts of a sore throat.  Of course it starts to sleet.

2) went ice skating! And got a discount because there was only half an hour of the public session left.
Pros: I hadn't been in years. It was awesome fun and a good way to waste time in the 2 hours between training and my actual shift.
Cons: I don't think it helped the blister forming on the back of my foot... and my trousers must have rubbed at my legs either during that or the shift afterwards.  Ouchy owe owe.

3) ignoring the blister forming at the back of foot.
3a) despite having a change of shoe handy up till just before the shift.
3b) and then being too lazy/optimistic to go and put a plaster on.

Overall great Saturday but heavens am cream crackered and sore now.

random, real life

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