It was a good day

Jan 21, 2009 11:59

Yesterday was an awesome day. Rob and I laughed at the state shutting down before a single snowflake fell. Chloe's school was closed, so she got to go to work with us. Rob and her only ended up staying for about 2 hours, because she gets antsy at work, and he didn't feel like being here anymore. After I took them home, I did some work (yeah, whatever). Then I watched the Inauguration online. The streaming wasn't too bad, but did get annoying after a while. And it finally crapped out right as Obama was starting his speech, but I was able to get back on (this time the streaming SUCKED). I found the text after the speech was over. I have high hopes for the country right now, and maybe it's just because Bush is gone, but whatever it is, I'm okay with it.
Attempted to do some work again, but then it started snowing, and it's such a rare event here, that no work got done. Then the managers meeting that was schedule for all afternoon got cut extremely short (originally scheduled for 2:30-5, ended at 3:10) and we got to go home.
I took the girls outside to play in the snow twice (NOTE- they played in the snow while I stood there shivering). This will be the first snowfall that Chloe remembers, so it was pretty cool.
Then we just chilled out. We ended up with about 2 inches of snow. Work was delayed this morning, so we got to sleep in.

So yeah, yesterday was a very nice day. Just thought I'd share.

Love and Hugs

family, weather

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