Dec 19, 2028 10:53
Canon: Just as it says. Canon. No Alex, whatever happens to poor boy on show happens in this verse. Open for relationship developments, not meaning just romantic or romantic at all. Friends, love interest, throw an idea at me in PM. Prompts and main rp. Open for anyone to know him. Most of his sixwordstories posts and responses to people will be this verse unless noted or the person knows him in one of the other verses then it's a given.
Daddy: Greg is single and taking care of his son Alex (rp spawned child) on his own juggling work and fatherhood. (Prompt writing and rp if you want him.)
Five Boroughs: Greg has transferred to NYC as this rp is set there. He's getting settled in, after getting a job offer and feeling he needed to explore his options. Spurred on by the departure of Grissom, and encouraged in a way to do so. (rp only, possible prompts. A lot of sixwordstories will also be open to this verse.)
Gives me a few different ways of writing him to hopefully keep him alive and going. Pick a verse or all to play with him in.