So I decided just now that I should balance the post I made yesterday with something that doesn't have to do with my life, and instead is about a certain aspect of the world, and what I think about it. Though first, thanks to everybody who called me! And to everyone who read it and didn't call, well, you might not actually exist. Which is fine. It would be pretty unrealistic to expect certain behavior out of nonexisting people! The previous statement should not be taken to reflect on my views of religion.
Okay, so let's actually talk about the things this post is for, instead of talking about nothing. So, in the past few months, I have come across arguments showing how Richard Nixon, who is commonly seen as an arch-conservative, was actually pretty liberal in what he did. And then a few days ago I saw this: which makes the argument that Jimmy Carter acted in a rather conservative manner while in office, while still speaking like a liberal. And then there's this: where it talks about George W. Bush increasing regulations and education spending, not lowering it. And basically I'm starting to get the sense that United States politicians usually act in a manner opposite of what they say they will do, but it doesn't matter because people don't pay attention to what they do, only what they say. Did you know the Obama administration has spent more money and sent more federal troops to help secure the Mexican border than any other administration before it? I know that not because somebody told me, but because I looked it up and figured it out myself. Did you know the government posts what they spend money on, online? I guess they just assume nobody important would bother to doublecheck. In unrelated news, I like to doublecheck what people on the internet tell me.
I think that does the job. I mean, it does it poorly, since the main point is kind of smashed in the middle of the paragraph, and I didn't go out of my way to draw attention to it, but whatever. I am writing this more for the sake of hitting different buttons in sequence than any desire to communicate ideas with others.