I have to go, but I wanted to post this. More when I'm back.

Aug 30, 2008 11:43

This was posted by a family friend. I *'d out her name because I don't have her permission to post it.

Truth and Realities of Abortion
by T***** K***** Thursday, August 28, 2008 at 10:47am
This story will bring you to tears...where was the suport and encrouragement this woman needed? Where were her rights? It seems this woman's rights were squashed by her parents desires and shame. So much for 'choice' and 'rights'.

This happens time and time again. Many people do not know the horrors that teenage girls as young as 10 have to go through. Many people do not know that abortion hides pedofilia, rape, incest and numerous other horrible acts as the "evidence" is gone. So not only is abortion in itself an evil but it hides evils of all other sorts. So when you go to the polls this Novemeber, think of who you are voting for. Not just abortion but all the other aspects that abortion "covers up" Will the candidate truely try to provide help and support for women who need it? Or will they continue to cover up all the lies hidden in abortion and in a sense protect, rape, incest and the whole host of other evils?


This is my response
::edited to one post, cleaned up too::
The story truly is a story of evil. What can WE do to prevent this sort of thing?
I had a friend that experienced a similar thing. He was thrown out of the house at fifteen, turning to drugs, abusive relationships, and felt like a crazy person. Then he found a truly loving group of friends that helped him deal with it. What was so terrible that the parents kicked him out?
He admitted he was gay.
I've met other people that turned to drugs or promiscuity to deal with perceived failings. They "used", trying to ignore that there were things about them that didn't fit what their worldview said they should be.
Too many times I've heard that it faith doesn't make them feel guilty, turning them to drugs or bad relationships. It's obviously their sin.
How can we say that it's sin turning them down the path? I've seen the same path followed by people who didn't get the grades they were "supposed to", by people that never felt like they fit in like they "should", by people that were bigger then they "should" be. Can we blame people for adopting extreme measures trying to line up experience up with worldview?
Perhaps we can help people reconcile their worldview and reality.
We need to look at what we can change. We can't stop abortions. They've been around for thousands of years.
We CAN help prevent those situations that make it seem like the answer.
We can go beyond just making abortion not seem the answer. We can help any person realize that the framework they've been seeing the world in isn't the only way to look at it. There are alternates to booze, sex, drugs or other extremes to reconcile imbalance between reality and worldview.
What they need is support in rethinking their position in, and relation to, the world.
How do we support this rethinking?
We must help people know that they are truly loved, no matter their relation to the world. Jesus showed it to Mary Magdala. How can we not show it to everyone?


I think we need to start talking by not debating, but by agreeing. On love, on openness, etc....
What do you think of this approach?
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