May 04, 2011 14:40

You may not think any of this involves you... but it really does. Stop fighting over Bin Ladin and complaining about Obama for a minute and listen. Why aren't we caring about the storms down south, the tsunami in New Orleans? While we are listening to Trump and Bin Ladin coverage the Republicans in MN are trying to pass a law to BAN same sex marriages, close Planned Parenthood and relax the conceal and carry laws.

They arent just not making gay marriage legal... they want to BAN it all together. After that... what basic rights are they going to take next? Gays not being able to get a job, go to school... then when they are done tearing down the gays... maybe they will outlaw inter-racial marriages next... then take school and health care away from the poor insuring they stay poor... oh wait... they are already doing that.

Maybe you can afford to go to a doctor and buy medications needed... but many of the poor only have Planned Parenthood... for sex education (stopping the spread of disease and so they dont have 30 kids... not that either is working because the Republicans say abstinance is the only way) For yearly exams to catch disease and cancer... to prevent pregancy. The STD/SDI rate in the US is insane, especially in young adults. Many are too afraid to go to a doctor, they turn to planned parenthood. So they offer a few abortions... there are health reasons that make some abortions necessary. I myself am prochoice and anti-abortion, I could never have one... BUT I believe in the right to make your own decision. Think of the poor children who are born addicted to drugs, or beaten their whole life, or neglected, or if both the child and mother will die if the pregency continues isnt it better to save one life instead of losing two? ... or are born to a 12 year old girl who was raped by her father. If abortion is made illegal... it will return to the back alleys and women will die and get infections. Keep it legal and keep it safe.I dont even care about the abortion issue, THAT isnt what Planned Parenthood is about... they are about providing HEALTH CARE to those who can not afford it.

As I said, you may not think this affects you at all. But when it comes down to it, it does. Equal rights for EVERYONE. If you let them take away civil rights from another group, even one you dont agree with... who is going to stand up when they come to take away your rights? And trust me they will... look at WWII in Germany... history is repeating itself.

And now... one of my favorite quotes:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out --

Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out --

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out --

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me.

~Martin Niemöller
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