Writer's Block: Following the leader

Feb 21, 2011 10:26

first off, let's just pretend the President can actually make new laws
Government supported health care for everyone, BUT any unnecessary cosmetic surgery you are on your own. (ask me to understand what I determine unnecessary. Psych care is a necessity as well as gender reassignment surgerys.)
Secondly Equal rights for everyone... that means no more discrimination and people can marry any other person they desire, work at any job they are capable of, live anywhere they can afford and worship any god they choose
Change to the immigration and Refugee laws, You actually have to learn the language once you are here, follow our laws, and learn to drive by our laws, you dont have to give up your culture but you have to accept ours
legalize most drugs... tax them to death like alcohol and nicotine. Government moniter the quality and quantity.Set up better treatment centers that deal with the underlying reasons people use escapism
Change the welfare system so popping out more kids doesnt mean you get more money, help families get off the system. Dont reward them for staying on it.
Make education available for all those who wish to learn. Less focus on sports but more on learning.

writer's block

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