That Was The Weekend That Was

Mar 03, 2015 14:12

Friday: I've actually worked a full 40 hour week for the first time this year!  Karen wasn't feeling up to going out, so I brought home two fish fries from the Sheridan Vet's Post.  Good takeout.

Saturday: The usual errand running.  I knew we were overdue to do laundry because I had to buy a pack of shorts and t-shirts at Walmart just to have something to wear.  We finally managed to do all of it.  THIRTEEN LOADS!  My dresser is literally bare at this point.  It took us all day at the laundrymat.  Thank ghods for crock-pot dinners.  Neither of us felt like doing anything when we got home.

Sunday: I wanted to sleep in.  Karen had volunteered for church choir, so we went to services early.  There was a pot-luck after services, but we didn't stay because we were scheduled to donate blood and the medieval choir was meeting later that afternoon.  I was half ready to blow off blood donation, because we hadn't eaten yet.  I should have followed my instincts.  We pulled thru a drive-thru because we were hungry and then went to donate.  It took them over two hours to process me.  My coffee had raised my temperature and they wanted to wait for me to cool down.  If I had known how slow things were going to go, I'd have walked out then and there.  By the time they got done processing me, we had entirely missed choir practice.  Next time, I'm simply skipping.  I'm a six gallon donor which puts me above 50% of the donors in the county.

40 Bags in 40 Days took a minor hit this weekend.  We were too busy with bags of dirty clothes!  Does that count? :)  Managed to get some work done on my Bunraku puppet.  It's a slow process, since there are no instructions and I have to figure out everything myself.  It seems like one step forward, two steps back.  As the wise sage said, "That's not failure, that's a waltz." :) 

40 bags, blood, puppets, twtwtw, choir

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