The Schism

Oct 14, 2014 12:51

The Pope: Gay People have Gifts and Qualities to Offer the Catholic Church

The Cardinal: Gay Couples should not be around Children

BTW, this is the same Cardinal that's being 'promoted' to Catholic leader of Malta.  In other words, the Pope is kicking him out of the Vatican.  The gay couple argument reminds me of the divorced couple argument of the 50's.  You can't have THOSE people around children!

Personally, I'm waiting for the Great Schism of the 21st Century.  The Catholic Church, under Pope Francis, is going to be the Roman Catholic Church which tolerates divorced people, living in sin, gay people, etc.  The American Catholic Church, under America's Pope and The Bishop of Bling, will continue to dis-allow gay marriage, women priests, etc.
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