Nov 14, 2009 10:34
I really am tired of working in retail. It's just so frustrating and pointless. Yesterday, towards the end of the evening, I had a customer ask me to find a dress for her. I needed a different dress from the one she gave me to find the one she needed, so I went into her fitting room to grab it. Under the chair was a dirty diaper.
I grabbed the dress I needed, and when I saw her, I just asked her if she had left a dirty diaper in the fitting room. I'm sure I didn't sound pleased, but that's a fucking reasonable question. We have bathrooms. Why would you change your kid on the floor of a fitting room, where other kids are sitting or lying down on the floor and have to encounter that grossness? A normal person would have apologized - she snapped off on me that she wasn't finished in there, and why wasn't I doing my job and finding that dress for her, blah, blah, blah. I told her that she can't change her kids in there, and that she needed to throw it away.
About 20 minutes later, one of the managers came up to me and told me he'd had a complaint against me. A customer had called, very upset, and said that I'd been rude and very unhelpful. I asked him if she'd told him she left a dirty diaper in the fitting room, at which point he said, "ew, that's so gross. Try to stay polite, but don't worry about it."
I'm just getting so tired of people treating my workplace as if it's their playground. I don't mind if little kids play with the clothes, but we also have small, and, btw, pretty expensive, pieces of jewelry that get lost or stolen all the time. Do not let your three year old take them out of the box to play with them, and do not get irate with me for asking for them back. They are not toys. If you want toys, we have them. You don't even have to buy them to play with them, although if your kid slobbers all over Big Bird, we would appreciate it if you did.