Title: Snow Day
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG-ish
Summary: Jack. Ianto. In the Hub. Not much plot, actually.
Written for
Snow Day Fic Storm Jack had a very warm body, Ianto reflected. And had apparently turned the heaters on full-blast-though, as far as he knew, it could always be like that.
He couldn’t be sure. This was the first time he’d ever slept in the Captain’s bed. Usually they just shagged over a desk or a chair or a couple times Ianto’s flat. But never in Jack’s room.
A hand raked through Ianto’s dark hair, and he hummed in contentment. Jack chuckled above him.
Ianto closed his eyes, wanting to savour this moment. This moment, when his lover’s arms were wrapped around his body, the post-sex haze still clouding a good deal of his senses, and finally the feeling of belonging he’d been missing. He tightened his grip on the Captain’s shoulder, worried that the feeling might leave at any moment, and Jack murmured something in his ear. Ianto wasn’t sure what it was, but somehow it calmed him.
He lifted his head a bit, just enough to capture Jack’s lips. They kissed softly for a while, gentle and unhurried.
“The others won’t be coming in today,” Jack said against Ianto’s mouth. “I gave them the day off.”
“Why?” Ianto asked. Jack grinned.
“Snow day. I claimed that no alien threat in its right mind would want to be out in that blizzard right now. They agreed.”
“Really? But… what about something from an ice-planet, or-”
“Official reason, Ianto.” Jack rested a hand on his lover’s face. “Unofficial reason: It’s snowing, I don’t want you driving out there, and I’d prefer to stay inside, in bed, and drink hot chocolate.” He kissed Ianto gently.
“With you.”