Torchwood 2x02 and 2x03

Jan 21, 2008 16:37

Some lucky person over on TWoP got a sneak look at 2x02 and 2x03.


So here are my comments regarding what they said.


Well, first off, OMG IANTO. <3

I absolutely love him.

This is what the person said about Ianto in e2: Most surprisingly, Ianto suddenly (to me, anyway, though I know others will disagree) gets bags of personality and everything he says is hilarious!
So, YES! I am so fucking thrilled about this, because Ianto is finally getting pushed to the front. Personality is good, VERY good, especially in (OMG!) Jack's boyfriend!

Which makes the Jack/Ianto shipper in me very very happy. Hell, even Another Gwen/Jack scene, though to me it reads more friendly rather than shippy is fine with me, because I have no problem with those two as friends. FRIENDS. Which is what they are.

Ahem. I am not going to get into shipwars here, because the Jack/Ianto happiness of everything is too happy to mess up.

Anyway, on to episode 3.

Big Jack/Ianto snoggage. Apparently this is the kiss we see in the trailer, but NOT the one mentioned in JB's autobiography (the one where the director didn't say 'cut' and the boys ended up snogging for some two minutes before they figured it out). That one's supposedly in episode 5.

Tosh is yet again revealed as a sad sack who has no life outside work, gets her storyline, Owen is kind to her. Awww. Some people may not like that 'ship, and I don't really 'ship them, but come on. You have to admit that's adorable.

After wrapping up something else, Jack asks Gwen if she's set a date for the wedding, she says she hasn't, he says she should go home now (to see Rhys, I guess) and as she leaves happily, there is what could be interpreted as a slightly rueful look from him, though I'd say it's just "ah, normal life". *Sighs* Okay, I don't like Gwen all that much. She just seems to be settling for Rhys, who obviously loves her and seems like a great guy. But Jack's reaction sounds kind of cute, so whatever.

Next ep, the plot involves someone going home. Now, this is where I start wondering if I'm confusing the episodes and realise I can't totally tell which bits are from which episodes, or if this is supposed to be from e3 or e4 or what "next ep" means.

Ianto (possibly after hours) asks Jack if he'd go home if he could. Jack isn't sure where home would actually be for him now after everything that's happened in his life, but that's okay. He looks a little sad. Ianto impulsively plants a big kiss on him, to cheer him up. Looks like it works. And this is where I decide it doesn't matter and squee my lungs out instead.

I absolutely ADORE how Ianto is taking the initiative to cheer Jack up, because it seems like it's always Jack who's looking out for his team. Nice to see it goes both ways, and lovely to see another bit of Ianto caring for Jack. That said, OMG SQUEE!!!

As if the wait wasn't hard enough already.

pre-episode, torchwood, tw 2x02, meta, tw 2x03, reactions

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