Um... Yeah. I have no excuse. This was a journal I wrote for my creative writing class, prompt: how a peppermint feels being eaten.
My mind took a dive into the gutter and this is what happened.
I guess PG-15 for InanimateObject!Porn.
This journal topic is supposed to personify a peppermint candy as it experiences the wonders of the digestive system.
But that sounds too Magic School Bus and is making me feel nauseous besides. I mean, who the hell cares about how a peppermint candy feels? so what if it passes between your teeth, nearly shivering with anticipation? Finally out of its cellophane, free from a trap and onto a new world it knows nothing about?
It makes no difference to me if the peppermint, upon feeling that first flicker of your tongue across its sweet candy surface, jumps at the unexpected contact but soon surrenders to the caress, each bump against your teeth sending jolts of sensation through its inanimate being.
A peppermint is not sentient. It cannot feel your throat muscles working as it begins to slip. You choke, and it frightens you, but to the peppermint the feeling is ecstacy. Finally it falls, and you gasp for breath, tears falling down your cheeks. You're frightened, and you feel like you've just cheated Death.
The peppermint knows not what is in store. It is still experiencing--and enjoying--the feel of your esophagus forcing it down your throat. Contact and not, pressing, pressing, until it feels in may explode from pleasure. And with one final push, the peppermint is released, and soaring, light flashing before its eyes, absorbed in pleasure.
And then it falls. Stomach acids envelop it, and as its stripes disappear, it thinks that this pain, too, is good.
*runs and hides*