
Oct 07, 2008 12:21

If you went to the Advance Polls, where was the voter screen oriented?

I voted yesterday and the table was set up properly with the two Elections Canada employees facing approaching voters

Then voters get their ballots and walk behind them.  no problem there but the SCREEN seemed to be facing the wrong direction.  I mean, someone walked right BEHIND me (between my back and the Elections Canada employees) as I had pencil in hand.

(the [  ]  dealies denote the edges of a table.  .-. is a voter screen)

[  .-.  ]

[ o o ]  
. o - ("Yes, that's my address")
. o - ("la, la, waiting to vote.")

I will go to my electoral office today and double check.  The diagram in the book seems pretty specific and yesterday's setup did not seem to jive with that.  I want to figure it out  because I signed on to WORK on election day and set up my local polling station.  


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