I went to doctor O last week for a follow up about the MRI. Been reluctant to post about it. Trying to distract self.
Nervous chatter part: ... the MRI was pretty boring, though their questions were endless! I don't know how many times they asked me if I had any metal. My answer: I'm practically naked, my piercings are empty, and my hair is bound without an elastic. WAIT - what about metal sutures? Them: "Um, pretty sure those are fine"
... yeah, the sutures (and patient) were fine, but the technicians didn't seem that sure about it when I asked them.
REAL part: ... SO ... not only did doctor agree with my suspicions about dizzy me, low blood pressure, low oxygen levels, but ... I know what I'm facing, what's on the horizon. My right kidney is doing more harm than good. Less than 20 percent of it is actually functioning. I think the number is more like 13 percent and that's a small amount that would have to function AND heal after an operation.
Nephrectomy. Doctor O says he'll meet with doctor team to see what's next. I'm to go on with normal life until I get a call. Situation is NOT critical for me so I can make plans for holiday or whatever.
Thing is, I might still be scheduled for another scan or
angiogram next, or they might book me for appointment with surgeon and then surgery soon after.
ETA: OH and one other thing - why can't each new doctor have the information on previous scans? I have a medical history going back over 23 years for crying out loud! I've had MRI scans and angiograms before. Doctors must have made notes about how my kidneys LOOKED when they went in to do surgical stuff to my arteries in '84 and '86!