Things to think about this weekend.

Feb 03, 2007 10:45

Next term I teach:  ESL (listening & Speaking), Art 10/11, Media Arts

So much for happiness about drama.  The only drama will be in the daily woefulness of the students and any issues among the staff/faculty.

As a positive note, I will get my spare combined with lunch again.  Though it would still be a boon to have a spare first or last period of the day, this way I can stay after school (without feeling like I'm being Put Out) to help students or get involved with a club again.  it is a bit of a trap to be absent for your prep and get eager to leave the school at 2pm.  if it happens too often, then there is a possibility of being the teacher who doesn't like to participate / not contribute.

Now I just get to imagine what I need for the ESL class.  interviews, taking polls involving their fellow students, presentations, movie watching (and responding), etc.  I did make a list of things, but I really hope to work with other staff members who have been more involved in ESL than I have.
I'd still like to involve drama in some sense - getting acquainted activities, sure, but maybe even performing / creating a quick radio play or some kind of cartoon voice-over activity where we play a cartoon (or live-action movie/tv show) and they provide a new storyline.  hee hee.   That was always fun to see on Whose Line.

GOOD NEWS:  report cards are due ... NEXT week!  I promply came home for needed sleep when I heard the news. When  I awoke from my nap, I was seriously displaced.  I thought that I had dreamed the day away and that I was awaking to Friday morning at 7:30 a.m. or so, wondering why
moizissimo  is awake before me.


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