(no subject)

Apr 07, 2015 20:29

It's been literally 2 years since I updated this blog. 2 years. To be honest I mostly forgot it was here. Maybe the era of the LJ is over.

Still, though, I found it last week and slowly re-read every post.

So much I'd forgotten. So many funny or sweet or sad memories. I wish I could go back in time and shake my former self and make her take that autism eval seriously. I wish I could go tell my exhausted 3-kids-in-4-years self that it would be ok to not do anything non-essential for Ben's first colicy, miserable year. I wish I knew how the story with my mom would end. I'd have shown her more grace. I wish a lot of things. There are people out there who claim to have no regrets but this I do not understand. Have they never hurt someone unintentionally? Done damage to a relationship through ignorance or stupid foolishness? Made a decision that wound up hurting people who ought not have been hurt?

Anyway, time marches ever onward. Where are they now?

Jonah is doing great. He's God's sweet gift to me. Some days are rocky, granted, and he's got entrenched challenges that are deeper than they appear to the casual observer, but he's such a great kid. He and Ruth are bffs, totally.

Ruth is a sweet but, er, sliiightly snarky pre-teen. She'll turn 12 this month and is asking about heels (no), make-up (no), ear-rings (ok), etc. I (another foolish, short sighted decision- I specialize, you see) enrolled her in a cyber school and it's been pretty much an unmitigated disaster. But a temporary one- next year it'll be back to plain old homeschooling.

Ben is still chronically ill. Now he's doing the diagnostic go-round at CHOP instead of Dupont but it's the same dance. He's also starting to show some of the same emotional issues Jonah showed at Ben's age (9) and we're trying to get ahead of it through play therapy and the like. So far I can't really say that it's helping but hope springs eternal, right? But the therapist isn't so hopeful and after 8 months has referred us to a child psychiatrist for an evaluation. I'm weary, I'll confess, but God is good to us. There are comforts for every hurt and promises for our future that I trust. This will all be redeemed.

Duane had a stroke about 10 months ago and it's been touch and go since. He's in a lot of pain and has very little energy. It's been rough.

Otherwise, things are great. I love my church, I love my community, I love my family, I love my friends and my life. God has blessed us with his presence. What else could we want?

That's not rhetorical. Really, what else could we want?

PS- the Arizona trip was amazing. I'm hoping to go back next winter when I'm done my term as a sitting elder. That's a story for another time, too.
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