Day in a life of a CCA: day 546

Sep 29, 2018 19:27

I really wanted to call in because I was so tired but I didn’t.

I have three days to work and then I have a day off. After that I work 5 days and then I have a week off: vacation.

I am not going anywhere but plan some time to visit with a few friends, doctor appointment, dental appointment, facial and float session. I have some home projects too but hoped that I can make for a drive up north for a fun day trip. What I am looking forward to: rest!

There was talk of someone taking my route but that would have happen today. I am still on my route. According to our shop stewards, Monday management will get stricter but, according to a senior carrier, it is for folks that call out often, come in late, etc.

Interesting that this senior carrier told me that he had worked with our new station manager when she was a carrier... she and another carrier got into a physical fight over a parking space. So crazy! I had been warned from other CCAs about her yelling uncontrollably at them; grievances were filed. The senior carrier told me to play my cards close and don’t give her an inch as she will use it against you.

My route case is tucked away in a corner so I pretty much keep to myself. There is a calculated office time but since my flats still come from other routes, office time is extended. Flats tend to be in order of your case but flats coming from three other routes, they are all over the place... seek and find. Regardless, the past couple of days I have been successful in getting my extra to other carriers before they leave... in the past, they have left the station and would collect it from me later in the day.

We are required to request assistance if we anticipate working over 8 hours. Management is suppose to provide assistance but, if there are too many routes down, you might not get assistance. If there are too many routes down and you are a CCA... you will not be given assistance. Would be okay but the management will request you split out X amount of time so you can take X amount of time on another route. It’s not tit-for-tat scenario because you have to travel and you might not be familiar with the route. That happened to me earlier this week: I was the only scheduled CCA so I got dumped on. I had to give an hour on my route to take an hour on another route. Seems stupid: why not give the hour to the other carrier but the carrier is given a choice of which route they want to work. Later in the day, I get a call from the station manager that I will be getting an hour from another carrier and that someone will be picking up an hour from me. I had to separate things out for that carrier (takes time) but the carrier that dumps his route on me was not an hour but an hour and a half. Plus, I am traveling there (Beacon Hill) during rush hour. Long story short, it was a long (and ridiculous) day.
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