If she's a voyeur, does that make me an exhibitionist?
I decided to be direct and message Katie: "You've started showing up in my wall feeds again after a conspicuous absence. I've got to ask: is this some strange coincidence, or have you recently changed your blocking/filtering of me? If the latter, why?"
No response, but I am now blocked again.
This feels like there was someone in the tree outside my window watching me, and when I tried to say hello to them they jumped out of the tree and ran. Although, given how Katie lashed out when I called her out for doing this before, it's probably more like got huffy, jumped out of the tree, and stomped off as if I was violating the person's pervy rights. I should see the lack of confrontation as a victory, but come on: if you're going to pull this weird shit, make it interesting for me. This is so anti-climactic. *Surreal moment* With gender roles reversed, this would be so much creepier. *Surreal moment post-script* If she really was stalking me on Facebook, what are the odds that she's also staking out this journal to see what I write about it? Hi Katie!*
Thought: stalking is too easy now with social networking. This was such a lazy attempt. Don't half-ass stalking. It's a week past Valentine's Day, so the least you could do is send me one of these with a hidden camera inside:
http://loveislame.com/products/4 (I have been waiting years to have a relationship with the right timing to order and present one of these on V-Day. I will continue boldly forward with my modest dreams)
Coincidentally enough, last night an acquaintance told me me that he'd been talking to Katie on OKCupid. Apparently they started chatting until they recognized they both knew me. He said he stopped out of respect for me. (Ok, but why bother bringing it up?) Sad. They would have made such great popcorn drama together. Best part? He started chatting with her because he recognized the SuicideGirls hoodie she always wears. I'm really not sure which is funnier, that Katie has spent over a hundred dollars on their branded merchandise, making herself a constant advertisement for a porn site she claims she doesn't even frequent; or that said porn site manages to make "It's a Small World After All" play in my head.
I've moving on pretty well lately, but it seems this is a week where I'm not allowed to forget my ex. Meh.
Don't pick it up I say
Unless you can throw it away
Don't pick it up I say
You're gonna be bummed that you went that way
*Katie will misread the nuances** there, and the hubris of her likely reaction pisses me off. I have to start dating people whose literacy at least matches their own self-absorption. I don't write in the tiniest corner of the internet for attention or to be swayed by the opinions of a disgruntled audience member. It's not simple snark, and this isn't for you, anyway. Performing for an empty house appeals to me. Don't like it? Door's to your left.
**In humility: it's not like there are many of them.