(no subject)

Nov 01, 2004 01:59

Way too much to post about. Here's some highlights.

Friday: Went home, hung with Toots, Laura, and my Mum. We went to Target, then watched "Girl Next Door". If I have to watch another teen movie where the word "fag" is uttered every other minute, I'm going to shoot myself. Ok, so it wasn't said every other minute, but it was enough to make me want to vomit all over myself continuously. Props for the realistic portrayal of teen life? Hardly. I don't like people who use that word. Fin.

Saturday: Hung out with Caitlin and Jackie. We went to Friendly's, then we went back to their dorm at Assumption and Caitlin and I got hammered. For pics, see Jackie's LJ. GOOOOOOOOOOOOD TIMES, long overdue, I love you both, and that's all there is to say about that. ::cough This Means Anal cough::

Sunday: Went to IHOP with Caitlin, then rented Bridget Jones' Diary, then I couldn't watch it because I'm a stupid fuck who forgot that I needed a ride back to Northeastern, then I went home, then my mom and dad got in a fight, then I cried on the way back to Boston but I was sneaky sneaky so my dad didn't know, then I realized my mother is a very selfish person who only cares about herself even though it's tearing our "family" (If you're twisted enough to call it that) apart, and then I got to Northeastern and I got in the middle of a fight and I don't think it ended well and I hope people realize that I was just trying to help, and then I talked to this kid Randy who apparently had a huge crush on me when he saw me at orientation, so now I'm going to set up a date between us, and now I'm updating LJ and checking cnn.com for election news and I think I'm going to cry when this election's over. I know it. Don't judge, but I'm DEFINITELY going to cry. I hate politics. Yay for being an ex-patriot and moving to Canada! Whew. Venting feels gooood.

So, I've had a very good/bad weekend. Good because I hung out with some cool people, bad because I hate my family right now, and just meh in general because I hate how winey I am in this entry. Don't worry folks, I'll be my chipper self soon. I just need some time for things to sink in. Did I mention my family is fucked?
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