Oct 31, 2005 05:14
I read maybe a dozen pages of "don Jaun" and I have been driven insane.
I was "asleep" and I analyzed every bit of my dream.
I use quotations becuase I feel like I was awake the whole time, just frozen with my mind being my playground.
This playground took me to my place of work, were I was being served by Jessica(which also happened only 5 hours earlie.)
everything happened for a reason, and everything was analyzed by me.
I was being taught something. But not one specific thing, but a way of life.
not mine, or her life. but life.
the way things are.
Commentary was done by myself. or maybe an omni-present, outside voice.
Even the noises outside my window was analyzed.
the reason/meaning of the sound of the car zooming by.
the reason.meaing of me being there.
jessica doing that.
the food that I ate.
Even the attraction for jessica was analyzed.
It was an only hour, but felt like a day of mental torture.
Try picturing the self, body and mind holding hands, looking at eachother, and singing song, while going in a circle of thoughts about the ones next to them.
all the while there MIGHT be a 4th thinking "what the hell?!" and "so...tomorrow, I will do this...."
Apperently, I'm attracted to being compitent and coperative. but only superficially....I think....think.
Beca, how was the gathering? We should hang out sometime. Let's get buff together.
I'm gonna turn to juink as soon as I start seeing babies on the ceiling...
Frank, I need some beck cd's. Mine are gone....gone...gone...
All I need is 4 minute with each one, and I will be satisfied... and the cd's will only feel slightly used.
and you will feel....nicotine and gravy.
Hope I can sleep now.