Aug 29, 2005 20:53
the other day I ran over a huge FUCKING rat. The thing must had been 43059 lbs.
It's been a while kids. wait, not if you count that last article. so lay off.
Sometimes when I don't know what to write, I just press the enter button and it makes me feel a wee bit better about using my time on this.
oh!@ I have my last interveiw with americorps tomorrow. Its for the position that I want, so that's exciting.
I arrived at my father's house late last night, and will be leaving early tomorrow. and let me tell you, its pretty goddamn bad here. There's just no real reason to wake up before noon (one or two even!) when I live out here. Its goddamn depressing. ITs a bit cleaner, but you would think it'd be a bit more with people not doing anything here all day.
I caught a cold and kept it for about a week. My asthma really fucked that shit up. man, it was bad. I thought I might pass out and choke on the shit I was supose to be coughing up.
We had a fire friday.
Borrowed a movie once, and appearently SOME people are a bit more...creepy about such things than I thought....creep.