Long time no update

Oct 31, 2006 05:16

Yeah, oh well. Haven't updated in a loooong time. I recently bought a regular journal and have yet to write in it. I will when I have time.

For about two years I've wanted to spend a year in New Zealand after I graduate and recently I've been doing more research. I am EXCITED, even though it won't be for awhile.

Maybe I should see an academic counselor or someone because I've been, for the past few terms, academically lazy. I don't know why and I don't know how to change it. Just lack of excitement about courses and no desire to work hard, like I did in high school. I think a lot of it is the whole gluten thing. I am not putting all the blame on Celiac's because that's a cop-out, but you know after high school when you're all excited and ready to keep working hard and doing well? I had that, but during my first week it just ended abruptly after I found out about the gluten thing. Pretty much because of how horribly I was feeling. I think it's just now catching up to me and I need to find that drive again. I mean, since when am I ok with getting C's in classes? I'm NOT ok with it, but for some reason those are the grades I'm getting in science classes. How the hell do I expect to be a scientist/researcher when I probably won't be able to get into grad school due to grades? And THEN I think about the crapload of money being spent for me to not feel like doing homework. I'm hoping that this term will help-not having a science class/lab and all, but who knows. I'm behind in work and always tired because of drill. On weekends all I want to do is catch up on sleep, but it seems like everyone else is in the library. SIGH. I need to get a good job just so I can pay my parents back for all the money they're spending. At least the food in dining halls thing is getting better. We'll see how this term ends.

On an unrelated note, I've recently been listening to snippets of songs from My Chemical Romance's latest cd. Which is kinda weird because they're a dark-ish band, but I really like the music on the cd. "The Black Parade" is a song that was definitely influenced by Queen, which is probably party/mostly why I like it. So yeah.

The DCMB is going to Cornell this weekend. Should be fun.

Hopefully I'll update soon saying that my mini-crisis is on the mend. I want to feel enthused about school again!! Wind Symphony does help. I love playing music. OK, new plan, I'll just play in a community band and open a restaurant. DONE. Ok, not, but maybe some day. (I DO want to do research, but sometimes I feel like I'd be truly happy in a restaurant and playing music. Maybe I'll retire early.)
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