Holy crap!

Oct 02, 2010 11:36

I just nearly got killed! Or possibly only seriously hurt!

I was riding along on the little scooter, minding my own business enjoying passing all of the congestion on Sangyo-Doro. It’s a nice day today, and I was popping around to a local pâtisserie to pick up some little breads.

Then I saw a car going the other way quite fast, then heard a loud bang directly to my right. I stopped, and saw the car that I’d just been passing, right where I would have been had I been going just a smidgen slower. It would’ve been a car-me-sidewalk sandwich.

Seems the driver going the other way had somehow lost control of his car and ended up slamming into the opposite lane of traffic. Fortunately nobody was hurt, although everyone involved (and one person only peripherally involved) was badly shaken up.

It happened right by a gas station, which was handy, because the gas station staff leapt into action to help clean the mess up. I checked to make sure that everyone was okay, then, in order to be helpful, directed traffic around the crash (lots of cars, one lane each way, so I had to stop one lane while I let the other lane through and then vice versa) until they’d got the crashed cars out of the way. Also, it was a good way to settle my nerves.
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