- Yay for getting to see some of Nao and her ordinary life.
- Also yay for the fact that there's really a demonstrable difference between the way she started out and the way she is currently. They really hammered that home.
- It's sad that Akagi's not coming back, but dude made one super classy final gesture. Miura and his water-bottle are weeping in envy at the class of Akagi's last move.
- Nao's coming back to the game for Abe, regardless. Ya know...I'm just going to leave that there. Nao is shippy with everyone.
- Nao and Akiyama's reunion scene, kind of hilariously adorable for the whole, "What the hell are YOU doing here?" going on both sides.
- I don't believe it's a coincidence that Akiyama's back and offering to replace one of the players in Nao's block and not the other one. Nice try, Anti-Gambler.
- Dealers' Room. As ridiculous as ever, possibly more so. Prepare for color-commentary.
- Yokoya claiming he knows the secret to the Liar Game. At this point, he's pretty much determined to find someway of proving Nao wrong.
- I would like for Fukunaga to make it through. I'd also love to see her cut down Yokoya.
Okay, I think I've gotten this out on just about EVERY possible platform where I'm remotely active and where it makes sense.