Jun 19, 2011 16:49
So, while I've abstractly known this for a while, for some reason, it just occurred to me a few minutes ago.
The dagRents are, let's be honest, fucking old.
Which means that, some day, they won't be there for me to call, and to talk shit with, and take out to nice restaurants that they wouldn't go to otherwise. I won't be able to laugh at the dagFather when he doesn't understand how Dim Sum works, and keeps asking for a menu. I won't be able to feed dagMother Mimosas, and go "No, it's full of vitamins, it's good for you!"
Seriously, when they're on, you all would love them, they're fucking hilarious. Sure, the dagFather is occasionally horribly hatey, and the dagMother is, um, occasionally clueless. When I see them, I just mostly sit back, and let them give me shit for drinking more than two beers, otherwise laughing at their interaction. I've always said, "They have to be together. Nobody else would put up with their shit."
But, yeah. I'm going to have to start thinking about the fact they're OLD, and dealing with what they want to do with that. And then, of course, I'm next.