Jan 01, 2007 03:23
I was disappointed when the movie disappeared from the only nearby theater after unsuccessfully trying to make time to see what was my must-see film of the winter. Thankfully, it has returned and to more theaters! Take the opportunity to go see it.
If you're not aware, Babel is a reference to the biblical town famous for the tower, where everyone spoke the same language. Then Old Testament God got pissed as he was wont to do and scattered everyone and made them have different languages. This film is all about problems with communication and seemingly disparate groups who are actually all tied together.
Two of the four stories are loosely tied to the rest until halfway through the film. One, is pretty much gasp-inducing and rather heavy upon its reveal, and the other remains loose. Thankfully that other provides a rather interesting side topic regarding the difficulties of dealing with relationships and sexuality while coping with communicative disabilities. This thread's ending didn't result in the powerful ending I thought it was leading up to, and I'm not yet decided if I'm disappointed or glad that it didn't turn out as I was dreading.
The film is lengthy at about two and a half-hours, but I never felt bored and the film-makers do a rather good job jumping between story threads to keep things from getting bogged down.
I give the film high recommendations, but it is rather heavy. I warn you not to see this movie if you want to be entertained, but you will come out of it with a sense of achievement. I think I liked the director's previous film 21 Grams better, but it's been a while since I've seen it.