Carl's Movie Mini-Review: Casino Royale

Nov 20, 2006 00:33

Casino Royale
Think of it as "Bond Begins." It's a strongly character driven film devoid of much of the tongue-in-cheek goofiness and gadgets and whatnot typically associated with Bond films. It is 007's origin story, much like last year's Bruce Wayne picture. It is slower-paced with only a few key action scenes. In fact, my roommate, a car fanatic, was very disappointed that the Aston Martin saw very little action before its destruction. The photography is exciting and framed for maximum effect. Unfortunately this film suffers from poly-terminus disease. You may know it better as Lord of the Rings Syndrome. The thing somehow keeps going even when you think you've come to a reasonable ending point. Snip about a half hour to fourty-five minutes off and it would be perfect. The rest of the pacing before the false ending was excellent, otherwise.

Highly recommended. Even you Belle. This is a different Bond.

About halfway through the movie, the film strip burned through. As entertainment, one kid hopped up to the front of the theater and started dancing to music on his iPod. Of course he was the only one with headphones on. He performed for over ten minutes, and his dances were merely respectable efforts up until he pulled out Thriller. It was absolutely spectacular and seemed to have the key middle dancing section down pat. We were all given free passes for the trouble of having the film die on us (which was picked up only a few frames past where we left it), but the dancing machine up front got double passes for his entertaining efforts. Janel, you totally went to see the wrong movie with dancing.

happy feet, movie, fire, dancing, batman, james bond, glitch, review

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