Star Wars and Sex. Two subjects that would not ever be related. Except here. Kinda.

Sep 13, 2006 02:34

Yeah, yeah, were back to the Carl's-Shopping-Journal format, it seems. Blame my rather uninteresting life. Or I could mention that in game design we're starting to brainstorm an idea for a tycoon and/or RTS game about a grocery store that is actually a front for an evil cult. Our tag line is: "Be a prophet, make a profit. Kill, convert, and capitalize."

So grand total today, I picked up three sets of Star Wars. As in nine DVD's. Oh, and two Grey's Anatomy s2's. I have two sets of the Circuit City ones with lithographs and one set of the WalMart ones with graphic novels. Seems the WalMart DVDs are shrinkwrapped inside the box that holds the DVD and comic and have the same UPC number. Methinks I just may discretely return those minus the goodies... I've been trying to check eBay for how sales of the lithos are going, but either they've all sold immediately with BIN's or they're one of those things eBay blocks for whatever reason. Seems like people have been having trouble with some CC's who only have one of the three designs, so this might become more desirable than just having short quantities. I guess I could maybe pick up episodes two and three for ten bucks apiece this week to fill out the "saga," but those movies were incredibly lame. Episode one was also ass, but I already have it, unfortunately.

Grey's Anatomy: Didn't get any additional employee discount over the sale price at Best Buy. Target has it for three bucks more but with a bonus disc. I've switched the UPC stickers on the DVDs and will return the bonus-less Best Buy one to WalMart.

Oh, and holy crap, Circuit City screwed up the price for The Office s2. This week season one was supposed to be $17.99 and the new DVD was on sale for $29.99 down from $39.99. But guess what--the season two DVD is being sold at the price of season one. Of course when I read this on CAG, I went back to CC to pick it up. The cashier who rang me out for the two SW purchases earlier that morning also hooked me up with miscellaneous promo/freebie stuff. Unfortunately none of those were the three cellphone games advertised as the freebie with purchase of the DVD, but I only realized that when I got home, and I think three visits is enough for one day. I did get a ticket to Beerfest that expires on the 25th. Anyone want to go?

So where's this supposed sex come into play? Thanks to the magic of teh interwebs and bittorrent, I've downloaded the Filipino versions of Maxim and FHM. Maxim is pretty much the same as the US version (of course with asians), but FHM has nipples and a whole lot of Tagalog that I have to slowly read "out loud" in my head to comprehend. And even then, sometimes I don't think I'm "pronouncing" things right where I can understand it. (See, I can pretty much hear and understand Tagalog and Bikol (sp?) near fluently, but reading the Filipino language is a pain in the ass.) I suppose, though, that maybe the US just has a censored version of FHM and everyone else get nipple.

game design, tagalog, magazine, fhm, grey's anatomy, maxim, the office, beerfest, ebay, freebie, comics, sex, beer, language, star wars, broken lizard, walmart, price mistake, philippines

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