Money matters

Jun 24, 2006 00:00

I've already spent my paycheck twice over at Circuit City's video game clearance. Not as good as the $5 clearance two or so years ago, but better than the $9.99 clearance last year. Yeah, $8.96 sounds fine. Thing is that the prices actually go lower, but if you wait, then stuff disappears before you can buy it.

$122.60 after taxes. Huh? Oh, it's only for the first week I worked, which includes orientation and two days. Two days? That's not too bad, considering. Unfortunately, that means I need to wait two more weeks to get any more money.

I got offered a job in the media section of the Waterford Best Buy. And yes, I told them I just got a job at Target. They really want me to get face-to-face sales experience, so they'd like me to work evenings (when the people who got off work are shopping) and really want me to work Sundays (start of the new weekly advertisement sales) and Tuesday nights (new DVD/CD day).

So... When I went to Target to pick up my paycheck I gave the HR person my new proposed availability. And she got all frowny-faced. (I wrote Mondays 6pm-close, and Wednesday-Saturday open-3pm.) They were really training me for closing team, and with this new availability, they might not have anywhere to put me. She'll give my new availability to my supervisor and see if it's still acceptable, otherwise, it's quittin' time. But she recalled during my interview my passion for electronics and said that she knew understood if I'd prefer to go to Best Buy. Apparently I'm not an isolated case, since one fellow I trained under said that "everybody's leaving for Best Buy." Or four. The HR person didn't know this yet, since apparently no one's come to talk to her.

Best Buy. The guy I interviewed with asked how much I was making at Target. $6.50. He's surprised at that. Apparently he has never hired anyone for less than $7. Of course, Target HR person asked what they'd be paying me at Best Buy, so I told her. She seemed to be more accepting of losing me after hearing that. Pending results of my background check and drug test, I might hear back from Best Buy as soon as Tuesday, at which time I should hopefully know what I'm going to do about Target.

Let's say the two weeks I have the schedule for are my last two. This week I open Sunday at 6am. Then big blank until Friday and Saturday when I close. But forget about weeks ending at Saturday. I've got five days in a row. Or let's talk about weeks in portions going from Sunday to Saturday. That second week has five days of work. Closing. That should make me some phat dough, and actually a decent chance I'll get pushed over 40 hours.

job, interview, pay day, target, best buy

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