Jan 22, 2006 01:17
I missed out on the greatest photo op because I'd left my camera in my locker while I was working. Darth Vader in the middle of a cramped elevator. Gold, I tell you.
On the drive to and from the Orlando Science Center, I noticed no one had won the $48 million Lotto jackpot and it was up to $50. I figured since I needed gas anyway, I'd buy a ticket. I wound up standing around for close to an hour since the machine (and every single other machine in the state) was locked up due to the flood of people trying to buy last-minute tickets. (What? I had time to waste.) But, oh no, I wasn't alone--far from it. There were nearly ten other people waiting with me with many, many more who came in asking if their Lotto machine was working. I actually called my dad to see if he could buy a ticket (he'd said he was able to get one no problem an hour earlier), but he couldn't. He asked me to get a Quik Pik for him, too, so that ate up my only other single.
I bought a pack of Swedish Fish: Aquatic Life candy to snack on during the wait. About five minutes into my waiting, actually. They have new flavors, like...purple...and blue.... The people directly behind me were actually in the store before me. This family of latinos with their little kids in tow were spread out around the Lotto ticket thing filling them out. It was kinda funny as the mother had to ask her son to translate things people were saying.
With only 4 minutes until the night's cut-off time, the machine started working again. There was actually a man who was in the store 15 minutes before me who got fed up with waiting. They'd already run his numbers so someone had to buy the $8 ticket. One man jumped at the chance, and the clerks had a veritable relay team going. One guy was scanning tickets and giving money for the other two clerks to ring up the sales. Thankfully, it all went smoothly after that hour-ish, give-or-take, hiccup in the system, otherwise we'd have some very angry people.
Didn't get any numbers. Not one. Sure, I could've blown a wad on Quik-Picks, but it's all random anyway. Pick one set of numbers and stick with them. There's as "good" a chance as any that they'll get picked.