Jan 13, 2006 21:06
I stood in line at Oasis for almost and hour and a half to submit an override into a class. When I get to the desk, she tells me, "you don't need an override. Did you already enroll?" Weird... Seems somehow I managed to get enrolled into the class. I know there wasn't some sort of wait list set up for it. It shows me enrolled in my class schedule, but the class isn't on my list of eCommunities yet.
In front of me was this group of females. I say females because there were two girls and a woman who I'd guess must already be in her 40's. When that older woman arrived and began chatting with the girls, I assumed that she was a teacher of the girls. But she was in line as a student like the other two. The woman begins talking about her daughter not listening to her about switching her major, kids never listening to their parents, yadda yadda. Then one girl starts talking about how she's always out into the early morning with her ex-boyfriend, the confrontations he and her dad have now that they're broken up, her formerly slutty, still bitchy grandmother, and some lengthy section about sex and birth control. I wasn't paying any attention to the woman's reactions, but I found the whole situation pretty weird and awkward.