
May 14, 2010 14:57

Главное, вспомните, как курица кудахтает и лягушка квакает)

A chicken walks into a library, walks up to the counter and says to the librarian "Book, book". The librarian gives the chicken 2 books - she puts the books on the chicken's head - and the chicken walks out of the library. One hour later, the chicken walks back into the library. It walks up to the counter and says to the librarian "Book, book". The librarian gives the chicken 2 books and the chicken walks out of the library.
An hour later, this happens again. "Book, book" and the chicken walks out of the library with 2 books on its head. But this time the librarian thinks, "Hmmm, this is strange" so she decides to follow the chicken. She goes out of the library and follows the chicken. The chicken crosses the road, walks along the street, turns the corner, until it comes to the lake. Siting by the lake is a big, fat frog. The chicken gives the books to the frog and the frog looks at them and says "Read it, read it".

английский анекдот, анекдот, юмор

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