I feel as though I've been stuck under a rock from the LJ world. eh...
My life has been sooo busy. Far more busy than I imagined it would be. But, alas, it's my senior year; I'm trying to make decisions about things and it's leaving me restless and crazy. What have I done since? Hmm...
Hip-Hop & Other Classes this Semester...
Dancing & Studying... or not
My hip hop class ended. It was fun. I realized I don't take dance steps very well! I love to dance, but this was a challenge. Nonetheless, it provided an awesome workout like bellydancing did last year. My classes are about to end as well. As most of my classes are seminars, I have no clue what my grade will be in most of them. Working at the Toddler Center has certainly been an experience. I get to work with the kids next semester as well as part of my year-long course. They're so adorable and the class is really interesting. As for my other classes, I have three presentations to give and 4 term papers to write---ack!
My 1st Psychology Conference
Readings on Infant Attachment from Psychoanalytic Perspective: interesting...meeting the guy who taught the Toddler Center Course I'm taking: weird
I attended my first Psych Conference a while back and was invited by one of the psych's I work for. I got to go for free by volunteering during certain sessions. It was on infant attachment via a psychoanalytic perspective. While I can't say that Anna Freud and Melanie Klein are my mentors in psychology, it was fun to attend and I even met and had lunch with a guy who taught the Toddler Center course a few years back. That was quite a coincidence.
Work at the anatomy lab is ok. I still haven't gotten paid yet but that's another story!
Milo the Froggy
Milo, my little froggy...a few weeks ago I left his aquarium top open for about an hr by accident after feeding him. Well...next thing I knew he wasn't there. The window was open...I think he might have hopped out!! Poor little thing! Ugh, my luck with animals seems to be not so good. Eric felt bad for me and got me another "Milo," which I didn't really want him to do, but I can't not take care of this one.
Family Weekend
My mom came up to campus for the first time in a long time for Barnard's Family weekend a few weeks ago along with my brother. I have to say it was awkward. I showed her the Barnard and Columbia campuses, she bought me a college sweatshirt and we went to have lunch at Swish.
Eating Habits
Finally Following the Food Pyramid?
I feel like I'm eating a lot healthier now that I'm not on the school's meal plan.
The food I buy doesn't suck: cheese, fish, chicken, juice, yogurt, canned fruit, pasta, frozen pizza, and college staples: chef boyardee and cup o's noodles. I'm even learning to cook more of my own homemade meals- I make a mean rotini with feta cheese, canned mushrooms and crushed tomatoes. Occasionally, I'll order out, but I've finally learned how to deal with mostly canned, frozen and dried foods. Unfortunately I have to trek all the way up to Pathmark in Harlem because the university supermarkets are way too expensive- since when does apple juice cost nearly $4??
Halloween and Other Fall Events
I went as a Doodle Bug...attended writing conference with famous authors...saw a great play, CUSmile...
It's fall and the leaves are finally changing color after an unseasonably warm October and November in NYC. It's so beautiful on campus and I wish I had time to take more pictures. For Halloween (which seems like years ago now) I went as a doodle bug- complete with antennae, wings, a homemade shirt that said "doodlebug" in red glitter and a gigantic pencil. It was very cute and a simple re-hash of last year's butterfly costume. I went to the Village Parade in Greenwich village which was ok...very crowded though and not as fun as I had hoped.
I went "clubbing" for the first time in two years @ Webster Hall with a friend of mine. I expected the place to be a bit different, but it was fun nonetheless. I danced with all kinds of people- some were cool, some not. I can't fully say I'm a club goer, or that this is my "thing" but it's something I needed to do to get out of my system as a college student.
I'm trying to get more involved on campus and attend more events during my last year at school. So far I've baked some cookies for CUSmile, the Columbia chapter of Operation Smile, attended Barnard's Great Writers conference with authors and former Barnard Alumnae like Mary Gordon, best-selling author and my former Professor and Ann Brashares who wrote the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Atoosa Rubenstein (editor-in-chief of Seventeen mag) and screenwriter Naomi Foner (Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal's mom). Next week there's a conference with Toni Morrison which I RSVP'd as well. I just have the urge to soak up all I can, while I still can. Damnit, this school is extremely expensive and I'd still like my money's worth! A girl in my suite was also in a play called Freedom Days about real people who were involved in the Civil Rights movement. I went with my next door neighbor and it was fun- she was a great actress as well.
Next and Final Semester's Courses...
Adolescent Psychology, Toddler Center, Culture and Art in Public Display in NYC (anth fieldwork), Photography
I picked my classes for next semester. Since I finished up my Psych major and general ed. requirements, I just wanted to take classes that were fun, interesting and would help me in my future research. So Spring term I'll be continuing the Toddler Center course (as that's part of the program), taking Adolescent Psych seminar with my former professor in Ed. Psych- it should be very good, Culture and Art in Public Display in NYC- a fieldwork course in Anthropology and the final course needed for my minor, and Supervised Projects in Photography- I'm still not even sure if I'll get in this class, but I'm hoping I will since I have some experience developing B&W photography from HS.
Teach for America, Grad School, Work, PhD?
What I'm more worried about is what I'll do after graduation. I have sent in an application for Teach for America (a program where you get certified to teach and work in an elementary, junior or high school for two years with a teacher's salary. After two years you can continue to teach, go on to grad school, or do something else.). I was requested for an interview which I have on Dec. 1st. Very nerve wracking. I have to prepare a lesson plan and everything. I really wanted to go straight into a PhD program after graduation, but I also want to gain more research experience in Developmental Psych and have enough money to go to grad school. If not TFA, I hope to be an RA in a psych lab somewhere for a year...maybe get something published, earn some money and then do my PhD program. Hopefully at Columbia, Teacher's College or NYU-- eventhough Developmental @ NYU isn't that great- it's in the city and I'm afraid to move or live anywhere else.
Have I exhausted everything I wanted to say? No, I'm positive I'm leaving out some interesting things that have happened to me. Hehe, but I'll just keep some of those to myself. Next week is Thanksgiving-- I hope to get some rest from all of my work, but I think most of it will be spent working and finishing up coursework. :o/
Finally...some pictures! :o) Enjoy!
Remember when I went to Boston this summer? Here are a *few* pics. Eric @ the "Cheers" Bar.
Barnard Hall. The view from my window. Taken while the WB was filming the "Bedford Diaries." a few yards away on campus (not visible).
Boston State Building. I like the glimmer!
Me @ Harvard in Cambridge, MA. I always knew I would get there someday, hehe!
Dorm Room!
My Canopy and Pink Hangy Thing
My Bed
On Broadway! The view from my suite's kitchen.
My Modern-Like Rocking Chair & a Dozen Roses from Eric
Columbia Campus
Beautiful Fall Colors!
More Colors from my window!
View from my window: Milbank Hall (covered in red ivy) w/ Greenhouse on top, Union Theological Seminary, Riverside Church, Teacher's College
Great Writer's Conference w/ President Shapiro Speaking
My Homemade Doodlebug Shirt
Eric as a Bee
The Village Parade in NYC
More Scary Things...
The Big Sub!: My School's annual Rendition of a Huge Sandwich that stretches all across campus; available in a variety of flavors. I needed a map to get through!
The Big Sub view from my window!
Yes, yes, I know, I haven't been updating, nor have I been keeping up with my friend's page. I'm not expecting comments here, I mostly updated for myself to just get all of my ideas off my chest. If you've taken me off your friends list, that's fine- I see it as nothing personal toward me. I enjoy reading everyone's journals, but I wish I had more time to comment and update my own. Thanks for understanding. Take care everyone!