The Answer to Life

May 22, 2008 12:19

Here is where I shall disclose the much-pondered question of "Why does L hold everything like that?!?!?!?!" This is for everyone who doesn't have "Death Note How to Read 13" ...or access to a bookstore. Unfortunately, I can no longer answer this question in a PM or review reply, so I'm posting it here instead, for everyone who reads "Bitten" to find on their own. I'll put a link in "Bitten" and also in my FFN profile so it's easier to find.

HERE IT IS!!!!!!!!11111one

According to Obata, the artist of the manga, "...the way that L holds things was something that I came up with. At first I drew him holding things regularly, but I felt that was lacking artistically. So I kept redrawing and had him use the "as if holding something dirty" technique, and instantly felt that it was perfect. I personally see L as a clean-freak, so it just seemed to fit really well."

So there you go. He holds things that way because Obata thought it was artistic. :D And also because, apparently, L's a clean-freak. ...which is a much more satisfactory answer than "that's the way Obata liked it."
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